How Teleman Increased RPM by 25% Using Price Genius Automated Pricing Solution?


RPM uplift before / after test


RPM uplift YOY


Low quality ads eradicated


During the consultation phase, the Publisher showed itself to have interesting advertising space and high-quality traffic (81% of traffic from Direct source, 16% from Search source according to Similarweb data). However, the advertising setup itself was fairly simplistic – pure Ad Exchange, with no additional advertising products and a Bidding Header. The Publisher was aware of the fact that the website was not being used to its full monetization potential. At the same time, the Publisher did not want to overload the website with ads, placing User Experience high on their list of priorities. Historically, the website has tested several different solutions for website monetization (all these were 3rd party solutions), but due to the lack of transparent reporting and the sense that the tests were taking place in a “black box”, the Publisher decided not continue with them.


We proposed Price Genius, a solution that would allow managing UPRs on ad-unit levels so as to be able to achieve optimal revenue. We didn’t add new ad slots, only optimized the existing slots using advanced analytics and Machine Learning.


We observed an increase in RPM accompanied by a minor decrease in the fill rate, aligning with our anticipated outcomes. Furthermore, the algorithm learned Teleman's inventory is not suited for low-quality ads. This has led to a significant boost in the fill rate with premium demand, while introducing new sources of high-quality demand.


We experienced a 25% increase in RPM after conducting the test, demonstrating its effectiveness in improving our revenue performance. Additionally, we achieved an 20% YoY RPM increase. We also successfully eliminated 20% of low-quality ads from the inventory, resulting in an enhanced user experience and improved ad quality.

Client's opinion

By the time we had discovered Yieldbird’s Price Genius solution, we had already tested a number of external solutions. Our goal was very clear – we expected an increase in Programmatic revenues because we felt that, based on the basic advertising setup, we were not achieving optimality with the website. Price Genius was distinguished by the fact that the automatically set price rates quickly “learned” the specifics of our inventory; and in the first weeks of operation we noted a financial uplift. But additionally, we now had what we had not found with other solutions on the market: we had a reporting system, and specifically aggregated and presented key metrics so that we could compare like with like.

Witold Czarnecki

Founder & Managing Director of Traffiqua

Bartłomiej Oprządek

Karol Jurga

Chief Revenue Officer

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