How Will Google’s Move to First Price Auction Impact Publishers?
Episode #4 1h
In an effort to simplify programmatic advertising, Google has announced that it will transition publisher inventory to a ‘first price auction’ for Google Ad Manager.…
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Episode #4 1h
In an effort to simplify programmatic advertising, Google has announced that it will transition publisher inventory to a ‘first price auction’ for Google Ad Manager.…
Episode #4 1h
Episode #4 1h
Short summary of the most popular programmatic transaction types.
Episode #4 1h
Episode #4 1h
Most of the Publishers already faced the effects of the pandemic as advertisers implemented business continuity measures. Some publishers are experiencing decreased CPMs as a…
Episode #4 1h
The first panel of the event will cover the newly released SPO Guide. It will also address the technicalities of supply path optimization and whether…
Episode #4 1h
As we face weeks working at home, some of us try looking at the old challenges from a new perspective. For publishers – the victims…
Episode #4 1h
CWV: Core Web Vitals are a set of real-world, user-centered metrics that quantify key aspects of the user experience. They measure dimensions of web usability…
Episode #4 1h
The deprecation of third party cookies has forced the digital advertising industry to come up with alternative ways to identify users. Publishers have access to…
Episode #4 1h
This week during the YieldShare we will cover two important issues that definitely will affect many publishers present on the programmatic market: phasing out the…